Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Homeward Bound

It is official. I am coming home. Over long debating (in my head) and talks with many people, I think the best option for me is to come home. Even though I wish I could stay I am not sure that my body or emotions could handle much more. Coming home offers a place of comfort and stability where I can hopefully become those exact things. 

Sadly, I had to say good-bye to some really great people I met. As any Mennonite connection usually is, I hope to keep in contact with these great people. I made some really great memories and am thankful for those ones. 

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I know without them I would have been lost. For those of you who are wondering what I will be doing, my best answer is "I am not sure, yet." I am planning on staying at home for a while and helping my mom around the house, go on lots of walks, and whatever else to put my body in a relaxing state of mind. In December, I will be attending a program that will help me talk and learn to deal with some things that I went through. Eventually, I guess I will go back to school. But right now I am more focused on getting back to normal and feeling healthy again. Much love and thanks. 


Kara said...

praying for you as usual darling.
love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you've made a decision that you feel good about. I look forward to talking to you about everything. Will you come to KS for a visit perhaps?? We would love to have you. Take care of yourself! Love, Aunt Karin

Brad Shue said...

We love you too, Audra and am glad for your decision to take care of yourself. You are welcome to come see us anytime. Maybe after Christmas? God's blessings, Brenda